Don will be sharing some of his memories of WVOK with us. So as they say "STAY TUNED."
You know, I think I can hear "Dixie" playing now!
"And so we come to the end of another day of broadcast
activity. This is WVOK, owned and operated by Voice of Dixie, Incorporated and broadcasting on our assigned frequency
of 690 kilohertz with a power of 50,000 watts as authorized by the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, D.C.
And now, with thanks to almighty God for giving us the greatest heritage man can possess, the privilege of living under the
American flag, this is Don Keith, on behalf of the staff and management of WVOK in Birmingham, Alabama, signing off and saying,
until 5:45 tomorrow morning, 'Good night!'"
Don Keith, Personality Of The Month |
Movie Mirror, December 1971 |